Industrial automation has been going on for many years which has increased production throughout many industries. Unfortunately, automation comes at a cost and it is people who suffer the cost.
Automation is on its way to destroying over 70 million jobs by the year 2030. This forces workers into already strained industries and will increase the poverty rate throughout the world in a way never before seen since Industry has been integrated into society,
This problem is so pressing many different governments throughout the world are seeking a solution to the impoverishment that is surely to come. Canada has already tested the Universal Basic Income with little success so they scrapped the program all together. China, India, Australia, and even the United States are considering implementing a UBI Pilot to test the effectiveness of supplemental funds for basic societal needs such as housing, food, and hygiene.
The fact of the matter is global automation has been put on hold because no country in the world has figured out a way to deal with massive lay offs. They know it is coming and they are actively seeking ways to deal with the epidemic.
Now a UBI will only pay for the essential needs to survive and there will be no work available to supplement this income which leaves a majority of the world impoverished compared to the minority impoverished today.
Cost of goods will be drastically reduced to where you can afford the things you need and a little extra on your UBI but that is the end of it.
Those that have amassed a large amount of wealth will be able to retain their wealth through company ownership and continue to live the lavish life while the majority of the world will be forced into career-less lives struggling to find purpose and meaning.
There are devastating results to mass automation such as economic, political, geographic, and social divides.
The reality is, no matter what, there will not be enough job openings to secure the majority of displaced workers from automation. There are not enough positions in the world to fill the positions that will be taken by automation.
This will lead to a massive increase in homelessness and hunger as people struggle to attain an income. Governments will have to provide monthly rations to people for survival and homeless camps will need to be built throughout the outskirts of society as we know it for their will be to many homeless to be housed in shelters or facilities.
This is serious. Too serious. Nobody is talking about it and everyone who has a job seems to be O.K. with automation because it doesn't directly effect their industry and they want cheaper goods.
Please prepare yourselves for what is to come. Big business is. State and Federal governments are. The police force is. We the people have been misinformed and deceived to believe that automation will bring a better world for all and that just isn't the case.
The only people who will benefit from this crisis are the wealthy who can maintain their wealth through property ownership.
The middle class will no longer exist and all their hard work will have been for nothing other than to maintain a social standing above the poor until the rich remove them from their positions and make them poor like everyone else.
We have to unite together to end the advancement of automation or automate every position in every industry including governmental, political, blue collar, and white collar so that no single person has any more influence or wealth than any other and we can all enjoy the benefits of an automated society with equal rights across the board.
NO person will have more than another. NO one will have ownership of anything. The system will own everything and everything will be leased out to you for personal or public use. We will all have access to everything from public housing based on family size to public transportation. People will no longer be legally allowed to drive as the system will house a grid for automated cars to follow. All food will be regulated and based on dietary needs to ensure resource availability for the masses. Even water will be regulated such as timed showers.
WE can avoid this coming disaster if we unite together and choose to regulate these things now without giving up the power to an institutionalized system.
We have been wasting resource since the beginning of civilization and population growth has surpassed the rate of resource regeneration.
Please hear my call to action before it is to late and we are forced into a rigid system with no voice to be heard or rights to be had other than the ones implemented by the automated system..
CREDIT GOES TO hawkmotivationig @ INSTAGRAM