The beginning effects on the human population of climate change are starting to surface. Mass migrations are occurring as locations begin to change; severe drought in some places, massive wildfires in others, substantial flooding, coastal sea level rising pushing people from the coastlines ever closer to the valleys.
These migrations push more people into a centralized location which strain the economy and resources of those locations thus causing more crime due to lack of jobs, more homelessness due to lack of housing, more disease due to lack of hygiene for those homeless but most of all more social division due to lack of cultural understanding.
Immigration used to be a choice to leave an impoverished location or an opportunity to seek a better living and many immigrants would return home to their families but now due to climate change immigration is a necessity as those homes are no longer viable places of living. Thus the economy that houses the immigrants has to be strong enough to sustain the these new citizens while also being strong enough to sustain the previous citizens.
It is a hard line because resource has its limits so ultimately the resource has to be divided with the new population of the area which in turn causes strain on every former citizen in the area and that causes strife between the previous population and the immigrant population.
There is no one to blame anymore and it is just something people will have to accept. The idea that their life will get harder and they will have less due to climate change so now the average person in almost every city in the world will have to soon learn how to live a less comfortable life due to shared resources.
As the population gets closer and closer together and society grows to house them all life for the average person will become working just to survive with basic amenities. Water will need to be rationed per household per day, energy will need to be managed per household per day and even food will need to be rationed out as resource can only keep up with demand for so long.
The planet is already facing the symptoms of climate change and untold amounts of species are going extinct. Soon enough humans will be the ones to face the symptoms and life will become tauntingly painful for the average american as they struggle to find meaning in life other than working for a system that is just maintaining itself as an engine to keep the human race alive.
We have passed the point of no return. It is time to accept the facts: We as a united population choose to pursue our own interests as a whole instead of working together as a global force to be as educated as possible on all fronts, thus, we let the world fall into ruin as oligarchs forced the future they wanted as quickly as possible effectively ruined the environment in the process to pursue their technological advancements.