The United States has been ranked one of the worst place in the world for human trafficking!
over half of the people trafficked in America are Foster Care Kids!!! This is a serious problem happening right outside your door step and I would argue it is not a coincidence that there has been a boom in the foster care industry.
199,000 cases happen each year in America Alone! It is easy to see your children and cousins could easily be victims to human trafficking any day of the week.
This subject too heavy for me to go into further detail in. I am immersed in crises happening all over the world in every facet of society and its taking a tole on my spirit.
Reality is Human Trafficking is happening every day in America people are having their children stolen from them to be sold to some other wicked person for whatever personal gain they need them for.
The only way to put a stop to this is to unite together and revamp the societal system.